
Is your three-year-old ready to start learning?

Sign them up for preschool in West Olive, MI

Starting kindergarten is a big step. Your child can walk through the doors of their new school feeling confident when they finish the preschool program at Roundabouts Playschool, LLC in West Olive, MI.

Your child will become accustomed to a school schedule while learning how to communicate their feelings and respect themselves as well as their teachers and classmates. Contact us today to sign your child up for our local preschool.

Still immersed in our foundation of social-emotional development, our Preschool room offers a safe secure place for your child to feel comfortable exploring and discovering new interests and skills! Your preschooler will spend their day making choices, discussing those choices and all their activities will be built around their own interests.
Using creative curriculum, we enrich our flexible preschool schedule to include:

  • gym class
  • Small and large motor activities
  • planning and recall time
  • morning meetings
  • small and large group activities
  • Literacy, math and science exploration
  • warm days spent almost entirely outdoors, on the playground, picking blueberries and strawberries or even walking our wooded trails!
  • caring for living things such as plants, our garden and our class pet!

An educational curriculum in a fun environment

An educational curriculum in a fun environment

Our preschool education plan is designed to introduce your children to the subjects they'll learn in kindergarten. On any day, they may learn about:

  • Math
  • Literacy
  • Diversity
  • Geography
Of course, there will also be arts and crafts, storytime and playtime so children can express their creativity and improve their motor skills. Schedule a tour of our local preschool center right away.